What Does Somebody With Hearing Loss Hear?

woman sitting on the sofa at home.

Hearing loss usually begins subtly. You might dismiss your need for people to repeat what they said as them mumbling or background noise. But when this happens, you begin to think that you may be starting to develop hearing loss. Understanding the sounds related to hearing loss can help you identify potential changes in your own hearing.

Conductive hearing loss comes with softer sounds

When normal sounds seem softer than they once did, this is a common sign of conductive hearing loss. You might notice that your partner frequently asks you to “speak up,” or they fail to recognize that the television volume is excessively loud.

What you may hear:

  • Sounds that are softer than before
  • In environments where there is a lot of background noise, you have a more difficult time hearing clearly
  • The need for individuals to raise their voices

Conductive hearing loss often makes everyday sounds seem far away or muffled.

The distorted sounds of sensorineural hearing loss

In cases of sensorineural hearing loss, not only are sounds quieter, but they can also become distorted. Conversations may feel challenging as you struggle to distinguish between similar sounds.

What you may hear:

  • Misunderstandings because you’re unable to differentiate vowels from consonants
  • The experience of hearing some sounds while others fade into the background
  • Unclear or distorted speech

This distortion can lead to frustrating communication barriers, where you think you understand what’s being said but misconstrue key details.

The intermittent sounds of tinnitus

Hearing loss often comes with tinnitus symptoms. It can present as persistent or intermittent sounds that overlap with outside noises.

You may hear the following:

  • Sounds like ocean waves, chirping crickets, or whooshing wind
  • Buzzing or static sounds
  • Internal hissing or screeching sounds in your ears

Tinnitus symptoms can manifest in many ways and can significantly impact quality of life.

Identifying the sounds of changing hearing

Hearing loss generally progresses slowly, and being conscious of sounds that come along with it is essential for early treatment. It’s probably time to set up an appointment for a hearing consultation if you find yourself having trouble following along with conversations or needing people to frequently repeat themselves.

When to see a hearing specialist

If you think you are experiencing any form of hearing loss or tinnitus, scheduling a hearing test is essential. Consulting with us can offer clarity on your condition and direct you toward correct treatment solutions. Your quality of life can be significantly improved by understanding what hearing loss sounds like. Don’t wait to get help; your hearing health is important.

Contact us right away for a consultation.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.